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Tuesday, September 02, 2008

New beginnings

So I've stayed around the same weight (between 212 and 216) for several months. I give in to cravings more often than I have in the past, but I'm striving harder to avoid sugar (my major downfall). My beginning weight (how nice to have a new beginning again) was taken at 12:10pm today with clothes on and a cell phone in my pocket. Not bad, if you ask me. I weighed more naked last week. :P

Beginning Weight: 212.4 (09/02/2008)

As a side note, by now 8 month old is about 20 pounds now. Wow! He's a tank and wears me out just carrying him, but it's good for my arms, right!?!


Clay said...

That is an awsome image! Is there a web site where I can make my own?
I'm already getting up at 5:30 to get myself ready for work before I get the kids ready for school, so I don't thing I can get up much earlier to excersise on top of that, but I do have a goal to lose 10 lbs by Valentines, and another 15 by Easter. GO BRANDI!

Brandi said...

Thanks. Yes, I forgot to link to it. It's from Prevention Magazine. Here's the link.

I understand not getting up earlier. What a great goal, Janae! I look forward to hearing of your success.