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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Postpartum 2008

So I found out I was pregnant in April/May of 2007 and gave birth to a beautiful baby boy on December 30th. Well, now that I'm no longer pregnant (I only gained about 20 pounds the whole pregnancy and he was a whopping 9.5 pounds of it), I can get back into getting into shape again. He's still only 2.5 weeks old, so I'm still taking it easy. I don't plan on doing much more than trying to watch what I eat though. I may not post much about my weight loss because I don't want it literally weighing me down, so I'll be beginning anew with:

"I am happy and grateful now that I am fit and have lots of energy. I feel and look great in my clothes. I spend time running and playing with my family inside and outside. We enjoy spending time walking and doing other active pursuits. I am happy and grateful that I enjoy yummy fresh fruits and vegetables daily and choose other healthy foods to eat. I love my body and know that I am beautiful because Heavenly Father made me, and I am his child."

Beginning: 221 (04/03/2007)
Last week: 215
This week: 212 (01/16/2008)

Not bad...I've lost 3 since last week, and 6 since the baby was born. I was 239 before he was born, so if you include all that too, I've lost a total of 27 since the end of my pregnancy. :)
I may occasionally post an update on numbers, but only so I can see progress once in a while.