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Sunday, April 15, 2007

04/15 Journal

Food Journal for Sunday, April 15, 2007

Dinner: 3 deviled eggs, Large green salad: iceberg lettuce mix, romaine lettuce, pieces of broccoli, chopped purple onion, pieces of cucumber, baked chicken, and ranch (this one is hard to give up because I haven't found a vinaigrette that I like).

Exercise today: I didn't get to walk to church, but I did walk home with my older girls. Then I walked back and forth from choir practice a couple streets away from me. I didn't feel really tired after walking either, despite fasting. I was amazed and VERY happy about that! By the end of the day I was quite tired though. I'm sure it was the fasting catching up to me, or maybe it's because I'm sleep deprived! :D

Feelings: The only food I ate yesterday was dinner. I fasted yesterday since last week dh and I were getting over an illness and were still weak and tired. This fast was the easiest one I've done, ever! I was really wanting cold water by the end, but I was okay otherwise. Yeah, my tummy growled once in a while, but I wasn't dying to eat. I even made thumb-print cookies, while fasting, for a fireside at the church. (I made them in my new Bosch mixer-they were the easiest, quickest batch of cookies I've made!) Not once did I taste or eat any of it. Normally I'm really tempted to try it or impulsively eat a piece of dough, but not at all yesterday. I've been shocked at my having no desire to eat the junk food. I didn't even have a cookie after the fireside. It felt REALLY good! I didn't have to fight a craving for sugar at all. They had no appeal to me other than from memories of them tasting good. Those memories I can resist though. I don't feel deprived, but instead I feel very empowered!

I do have to mention (because I thought it was funny), that my 5yo, Aurora, took a piece of foil that had been covering the cookies on the table at the fireside and grabbed some cookies. I hadn't noticed her and her cookies because I was listening to Sister Jacobsen from the Humanitarian Center tell us about the different items she had on display there. So when I did notice Aurora, I couldn't believe my eyes! She was holding this piece of foil in her hands and socializing with friends while trying to eat 11 cookies! Yes 11! They weren't small cookies either. I told her she could have a couple, but not that many. I just couldn't believe it. Next time I will go to the table with her. The Bishop even joked that I didn't feed my daughter. LOL