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Saturday, April 14, 2007

04/14 Journal

Food Journal for Saturday, April 14, 2007

Breakfast: Grapes (2 or 4); Smoothie made from: cantaloupe, honeydew, strawberries, a banana, and 100% apple kiwi juice (1 1/2 c.); 1 fried egg in a little butter with salt and a little ketchup (I can't seem to eat eggs without ketchup yet.)

Snack: None, we went the temple during snack-time.

Lunch: We went to eat at Chuck-o-Rama I ate a plate full of salad: spinach, romaine lettuce, green leaf lettuce, sunflower seeds, kidney beans, parmesan cheese, shredded carrots, bean sprouts, shredded radishes, chopped purple onions, and light ranch; 1/4 large dill pickle; 1 strawberry; 3 med. pieces honeydew melon; 2 med. pieces pineapple; 2 purple grapes; piece of spaghetti squash with salt; small baked chicken breast; and a couple bites of a 1/2 WW 1/2 White flour dinner roll.

Snack: None, we were shopping after lunch for a Bosch mixer (which we bought!) and I forgot to take a snack with me.

Dinner: 1 oz. Almonds; 4-5 Strawberries; 1 fried egg in no butter; 2 pieces WW French Toast with the strawberry syrup I made with strawberry juice and maple syrup.

Exercise: The only exercise I got today was walking to and from the conference center parking lot and the temple, to and from our parking space and Chuck-o-Rama, and walking around ShopKo when I bought diapers for the little ones and clothes for my 5 yo.

Feelings: Today I didn't start out my day very well. I think having dh home throws it off because I don't have the time to myself in the morning to think like I usually do. Instead we talk to each other and then get up at the same time. Normally I would do my back exercises at least, but that didn't happen today because I needed to get myself and everyone else ready so we could go to the temple. I'm going to try walking to church tomorrow and to choir practice after lunch.

I've had more cravings today. I didn't make a very balanced menu today. I'm sure that didn't help. I haven't eaten anything I shouldn't except those 3 or 4 bites of that roll, but I have been tempted, especially tonight. I'm not feeling weak though, in fact, I feel pretty strong. I'm just glad the only craving I've had is for popcorn. lol That roll was sweeter than I expected, and I wonder if that little bit of sugar threw me off. I don't know, but I'm really glad I'm not giving in to or having really strong cravings for sweets. Deep down, I have no desire to eat them, and it's been coming to the surface the last several days.

Oh, I do have to say that I'm VERY excited to have a Bosch mixer. I REALLY want to make our own WW bread. It'll be healthier, and I can control what goes into it. Our next purchase will be a grain mill or grinder so the bread can be made with freshly ground wheat which has much more nutrients and makes a better loaf. We want an electric grinder that also can be a hand-crank one for emergencies.