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Friday, April 13, 2007

04/13 Journal

Food Journal for Friday, April 13, 2007

Breakfast: 2 pieces WW French toast with Strawberry Syup*; 4 large strawberries; 1 egg fried in 1 tsp. butter and dipped in small amount of ketchup; 7 green grapes
*syrup made of strawberry drippings, maple syrup, and lemon juice

Snack: None, I went to the store and forgot one.

Lunch: Properly combined sandwich-2 pieces WW bread, toasted; 1 tbsp. Mayo; cucumber slices; 1/2 avocado, sliced; romaine lettuce leaf
Bite of a plum
2 servings Asparagus, boiled and served with 1/2 tsp. butter and some Real salt
1/4 c 100% Pineapple Juice

Snack: 1 large Plum; 1 oz. Raw Almonds (29); 1 med Banana

Dinner: 1/2 bbq Chicken breast, baked; Cauliflower, steamed; Potatoes, cubed w/Butter, Garlic Real Salt, and Italian seasoning; 1/2 slice WW Toast

Exercise: Back exercises (morning); 30 min. walk around our hilly neighborhood pulling 2 toddlers in the wagon (before dinner).

Feelings: This morning I felt full until lunch time. I took the kids to Costco and picked up some yummy produce and what I thought was a good loaf or two of bread. The bread turns out to have some sugar in it. Ugh! I saw the molasses, but not sugar. I should have known! I'm going to have to pay more for the bread that I really want. I'm always worried about the kids' health as well and their eating the not so healthy bread, although we switched to whole wheat bread years ago. I still don't want preservatives and sugar in it. So, when I get me mixer (hopefully soon!) I'll be making homemade bread. I need to experiment with a good recipe first though since I can't seem to be able to make a good sandwich loaf. Maybe I just need one of those bread cutters for that though.

I've been working on trying to prepare the lesson for the Young Single Adults in my ward (I'm their new Sunday School teacher), and I'm nervous about it. I haven't reverted to eating chocolate or something else very unhealthy for me, so I feel good otherwise. I know I'm not doing this alone. Heavenly Father is helping or I wouldn't have been doing this for 3 days already. My friend, Emily, is also my "buddy" in my getting healthy endeavour, which is helping a lot already! She began last week and has already dropped 10 pounds. Way to go, Em!

Tonight after dinner, I felt over full. I know I ate too much quantity-wise. I don't feel I chose an unhealthy dinner, but I did choose to eat too much. Other than that, I'm fine.

One last thing, I'm making dinner before 6:30 and trying not to eat after dinner. I can drink all I want, but I know my body needs time to digest and process my food and that it will help my also with my weight. Simple things can help immensely. :)