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Thursday, April 12, 2007

04/12 Journal

Food Journal for Thursday, April 12, 2007

Breakfast/Snack (I ate it throughout the morning):
2 small Bananas
6 large Strawberries
a handful of Green Grapes

Lunch: Tuna fish and pickle sandwich on multi-grain bread made with whole wheat. I also had a couple bites of salad with a homemade vinaigrette, but it was nasty. I'll have to keep experimenting on the salad dressings. I'll stick to a little ranch on my salad for now. It's been the only way I'll eat it.

Snack: 1 oz. Raw Almonds (29 almonds); 3 oz. Baby Carrots (1 serving = 3 oz. or 9 carrots)

Dinner: Taco salad; Green salad, tortilla chips, ff refried beans, cucumbers, taco meat, green onions, cheese, salsa, and ranch. I tried to only put a small amount of cheese and ranch. The taco meat was drained and washed before putting the seasoning on which cuts down on the fat. Although, I do have to say the hamburger we have (from a half cow we bought) is quite lean already.

Exercise: Back exercises (morning); Went on a 20 minute walk with the kids around our neighborhood;

Feelings: Today I felt tempted to eat some of the cadbury mini eggs that were on the top of my fridge, but I didn't do it! I was craving popcorn (unbuttered, but with a little salt and the oil from popping it). I didn't give in though and just drank water when I really felt that I needed to put something in my mouth. :)

I'm feeling good today, although I have felt like I should increase my activity. I don't feel deprived. The only apprehension I have is what to fix everyone else for dinner or lunch because I know they won't eat what I do. At least most of the time they won't. I'm trying to focus on my meals more than theirs, although I am working on giving them more fruit and veggies too.

I began reading The Sugar Addicts Total Recovery Program and learning why it is that resisting sugar has been so hard for me. I know that it's my decision to eat it, but my body chemistry is also not helping me at all. I wouldn't have called myself an addict of something, but looking at it in a different way makes me realize I do act like an addict in many ways. Addiction isn't an easy thing to get through, but I'm glad that I have ideas to help me along my path to eating and feeling better. The first step recommends eating protein with breakfast. We'll see how it goes tomorrow morning.