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Thursday, April 12, 2007

04/11 Journal

My exercise yesterday consisted of back exercises* in the morning, going up and down the stairs several times, making jam (walking all over the kitchen and house), and going for a walk to the elementary school near my home to play with the kids last night. I originally set out to go walking around the neighborhood, but the kids wanted to play and dh wanted to help Ella ride her bike without the training wheels. (Our street isn't flat so that's why we went to the school.)

I'm hoping to pick up the walking pace a little. I really want to go walking with friends in my neighborhood at 6am, but I'd die walking at their pace. I'm going to just get started with the kids going with me and work up to being able to walk in the early mornings. I will to stick to it! I know I need to and I deserve to be healthy too!

Oh, and the only sweet things I ate yesterday was low-sugar homemade strawberry jam on whole wheat toast. Not bad considering I made the jam yesterday as well. I did need to taste the jam after I added some sugar to make sure it was sweet enough. Other than that though, I didn't have any treats. :D

* Back exercises consist of me lying on my back with knees in the air, loosening up my back my swaying my knees from side to side 10-20 times, then doing 3 sets of 10 each: pelvic tilts, crunches, and bridges.