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Wednesday, March 04, 2009

I just had to share...

I was at my friend's house trying on dress clothes for a dinner I'm going to on Friday night. (None of my dress clothes fit me!) She had so many things to try on, but what I was most ecstatic about was that two of the dresses I tried on were size 16! I even looked good in them, too. It wasn't a tight fit like I thought they would be. Yessss!


Hanlie said...

Well done! You have reason to be pleased!

Sheryl said...

Yay!!!!! I am feeling my clothes getting tighter...sad day. Thanks to the HYC and support from bloggers like yourself, my clothes should be fitting again soon.

Have a great day.

Brandi said...

Thanks, Sheryl! Glad you're joining us in the quest to be healthier and happier!