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Friday, January 16, 2009

This week I've had Aunt Flo visiting (she tends to sabotage my #'s, so I'm not focusing on them). I've also had a head cold the last couple of days. I've still been walking in the early morning, but I haven't attempted to run because I can tell my body is saying, "Back off while you're sick!" Even though I went to bed early last night, I'm still so exhausted. I had a rough night a couple of nights ago (2 kids up several puking), and I thought I was just making up for the sleep I missed then. That's not the case, as my head told me this morning...sniff, sniff. I'm also dealing with another tooth infection, but this time I caught it early and it's not bothering me like it normally does. So, that being said, I'm taking it easy this weekend to recover from my cold and going full on next week with running again. I'm not letting illness stop me from getting to my goal!

On a happier note, I have been loving the Spring-like weather that my state has been experiencing. I love the sunshine, even though it's still in the 40's. My kids go outside more, and I can enjoy the feeling that comes with Spring even though I know it's not for a few months. It's a nice reprieve from the overcast gloomy storms we've had this winter. It makes me excited for warmer weather so I can exercise outside in the early morning sunshine. There's just something about the early morning light that is invigorating and refreshing!


Hanlie said...

I know exactly what you're talking about. I've been experiencing some detoxification symptoms (felt like a head cold) and yesterday my body just wanted to rest, not work out. I listened, had a really good night's sleep and this morning I'm much better. Today I have to clean the house, which for me is physically hard, so the only exercise I'm going to do is a 25 minute walk. I really believe in listening to the body, instead of dogmatically following a program on a piece of paper.