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Saturday, January 10, 2009

No pain... gain? No kidding! It's been so long since I've really even walked a lot, especially fast and for a long period of time. I've been walking almost all week, and my thighs are so sore. I have a blister on the side of the callous on the ball of my foot. Walking up or down my stairs is painful, but I know it's worth it! I'm going to push through this and I know it'll get better.

Thursday morning, I went walking in the gym of my church building. It's so nice not to be out in the freezing cold! I went by myself this time because Ginger had a rough night with her little one. I actually did the walking for 6 minutes and running for 1 minute, four times. I haven't run since High School (PE only...I was never athletic even then). So needless to say it was a tough thing for me, but I did it! Ginger and I went walking Friday and today, although today we had to walk the halls because it was Saturday and a group of men came at 6:30 to play basketball. Go figure. :D

I look forward to when this pain in my thighs and foot is no longer there. I know only working through it will build my muscles and help me to adjust to actually exercising. My husband told me the other night that he's proud of me for getting up each morning and exercising despite not getting enough sleep sometimes. I have to say, that I'm proud of myself too. I've needed to take better care of the body of my spirit and mother of my children, and that's just what I'm doing! I'm being true to the person that God made me to be!


Hanlie said...

Just wishing you a warm welcome to the HYC! I look forward to sharing in your journey...

K @ Running Through Life said...

Welcome to the HYC! Congrats on getting out the gym and running!

Also, I love your attitude and your belief in God. God bless and good luck on your journey!

Clay said...

Brandi, I am SO proud of you. The race for the cure is AWSOME! I just wish it wasn't the same day as Melissa and Jen's triathelon or that it was at least in the same state!

Two things:

First, about the pain, make sure you are stretching. Stretching before and after every workout is vital, and can also help avoid injuries. You can even stretch several times a day to help relieve the sore muscles.

Second, if you are really serious about this, invest in some good shoes. Not $10-$25 ones at payless, go to an athletic store - or better yet - go to a Costco or Sams Club and get a good set of running shoes. It will help take stress off your knees and hips and make for a more comefortamble run.


Journo June aka MamaBear said...

I will add my welcome! I'm a little late checking in this week. Sounds like you are doing a great job staying active.

Brandi said...

Thank you for the warm welcome, Hanlie, KK, and Mama Bear June!

Brandi said...

Thank you Janae! I wish it weren't the same weekend too, but that's okay. They decided on doing the triathalon first anyway. I'm just coming in late in the game. hehehe

I've been stretching out before walking or running. I probably should spend a little more time doing that. It's been so long since my muscles have worked hard, and I should really get them warmed up more first.

I was thinking I needed to buy running shoes. I have shoes that are good and supportive, but I know they're not running shoes. I had no idea that Costco might have some. I'll have to check there. Thanks for the tip!

Unknown said...

It is my belief (in God) that keeps me going sometimes. I am at a severe crossroads in my faith right now, but in either scenario, in order for me to be a better follower, I need to take care of myself. It's hard to do sometimes!

For running shoes, you may want to be professionally fit at a running store...take their recommendations and buy them cheaper elsewhere. :) Just a thought.

Brandi said...

Thanks for the recommendation, Michelle! I hadn't thought of that.

It is hard to do, especially when I've been stuck for so long in a cycle that I've needed to break. I had to finally awake to my situation then arise and take action on that awakening.

Shannon @ Gabi's World said...

Hey best wishes on your weight loss efforts! I am on that road as well. I have a friend who has a contest that just started this week that might help with motivation and her blog is quite hilarious too! I thought I'd share the information in case your interested. She's even got prizes for the winner:

Brandi said...

Thanks, Shannon! I'm obviously behind on my commenting! It's been 2.5 weeks since you posted. I'm so sorry for not thanking you sooner. :)