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Thursday, March 05, 2009

Down 18!

Weigh-in at 11am this morning: 193.4! I haven't been doing much physically recently. With a household of ill family members, and a lost walking partner I haven't set my exercise as a priority. I'm changing that this week though! I hope to see more progress with increased physical activity.


Hanlie said...

Hope they're all on the mend now! Good luck on the week ahead!

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

Congrats on the smaller sizes!
Path to Health

Anonymous said...

How exciting - both the weight and the jeans/dresses!

It's hard to keep ourselves as a priority when the family is demanding our time, isn't it? Hang in there - life will return to normal soon!


eco said...

I read your article very interestingly.It's hard to keep ourselves as a priority when the family is demanding our time.
I think so, too.

Hang in there!

Mary said...

Good luck on this week and looking forward to your positive reports :)

Bonnie said...

I struggle with knowing what exercize to do. I think walking is just my thing.

Brandi said...

Thank you all for the encouraging words!

Emily Gray Clawson said...

Congratulations on your wonderful success! You are so amazing and I hope you know just how much I adore you!

Brandi said...

Thank you so much, Em! I adore you too, and you've done an amazing job yourself!