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Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Weight Loss Goals

I finished the book Running with Angels by Pam Hansen. It was a very inspiring read. I'd been meaning to read it for months, but I haven't had the chance until Sunday. She was a very inspiring person, and her story helped me to want to better myself. I've had many things lead up to actually setting weight-loss goals for myself and this book was the final thing I needed to just do it!

I'm actually going to publish online, my weight! Ack! I think it's the only way to be accountable without having to pay someone. Anyway, so my weight this morning was...214. Ugh! I have so far to go, but I'm going to take it one pound at a time. Surprising to me is that I lost 6 pounds since Christmas. I don't understand how since I've been eating terribly, but hey, I'll take it! I'm sure adding exercise will help the loss as long as I keep it up and eat better. Nursing, I'm sure plays a factor as well, so I need to be careful and get the caloric needs met to keep producing milk.

So, onto my goals:
* I will pray for help daily.
* I will eat to live, not live to eat.
* I will find productive ways to deal with my trials and stresses instead of eating.
* I will weigh myself only once a week.
* I will take at least a 10 minute walk everyday.
* I will strive to eat more vegetables and fruits.
* I will limit my sweets GREATLY to once a day and strive for none.
* I will drink more water (luckily, it's about all I drink anyway).
* I will take time for myself each day.
* I will try hard to love my body the way it is and help to make it better, as God would want me to; after all, my body has done such amazing things for me, and I've abused it.
* I will try to be positive in my thoughts about myself.
* I will wait 15 minutes before eating anything I'm tempted to eat.
* I will find more productive activities to keep me busy and keep my thoughts away from eating for comfort.
* I will plan out meals.

That's all I can think of for now. I'll try and update each week as a minimum, but preferably daily.